Tag: art show

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It’s Friday again? Ugh!

It’s Friday again? Ugh!

You ever have times in your life where the weeks seem to just speed by? Well, obviously I’m in one now. I haven’t even had much time to catch up on blogs. Oh well. So, here’s a photo heavy post to catch you up on what I’ve been doing (quite

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Crazy Quilt fest! And Missy C is a winner!

Crazy Quilt fest! And Missy C is a winner!

So we wandered up to the Quilt show in Loveland on Sunday and had a great time! I managed to spend some money on subscriptions to some of my favorite Interweave press magazines. My only complaint with them is “too much knitting” but I guess “weave” is in their name!

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Charity heart – 2nd year

Charity heart – 2nd year

Charity heart – 2nd yearOriginally uploaded by rexandsharkey. You may remember by charity heart from last year. This is the first of two for this year. I am planning on fairly well encrusting the heart (I may use some embroidery too!) and I have to have it done by the

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