It’s Friday again? Ugh!

It’s Friday again? Ugh!

You ever have times in your life where the weeks seem to just speed by? Well, obviously I’m in one now. I haven’t even had much time to catch up on blogs. Oh well.

So, here’s a photo heavy post to catch you up on what I’ve been doing (quite a bit):

This is the beginning of me piecing my pig – it’s an awkward shape and I think I’ve already worked myself into a corner, but we’ll see. I might applique something on there. No lace this time – I thought about it, but I think just the texture of the silks (oriental and dupioni) and a fuzzy fabric (not really velvet) and a couple of cottons. I love this green.

Then I pulled this project out of mothballs:

It’s a block with a butterfly theme (for a pillow for Missy C’s bed)…kind of fun and I can practice all sorts of stitch combinations. This is an early piece I pieced and I probably would have been more concious of all the long lines and LOTS of seams to embellish. Oh well, it will be a challenge.

I’ve also been tweaking my studio:

It’s getting more and more comfortable – some of you will laugh because I moved the sewing machines to the extreme edges – because I just don’t use them as much – so I’m concentrating on all the hand piecing and embellishing. That’s my Australian sunset there – just 5000 more individual leaves to go! ha ha!

And last but not least, not my work (I WISH) but a piece of art we bought at last weeks heart auction:

A really wonderful artist Stevon Lucero who does really cool things with combining ancient stories from different civilizations (this one Cleopatra with an aztec twist). I love his color and composition and it’s really hard to believe that’s oil paint. Neat stuff – check out his website!

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