Crazy Quilt fest! And Missy C is a winner!

Crazy Quilt fest! And Missy C is a winner!

So we wandered up to the Quilt show in Loveland on Sunday and had a great time! I managed to spend some money on subscriptions to some of my favorite Interweave press magazines. My only complaint with them is “too much knitting” but I guess “weave” is in their name! ha, ha!

And little Missy C was the big winner of the day with this little beauty:
What’s ironic is I have a commercial grade steamer and an iron and now I have a combo! Yikes! You’d think I ironed a lot! However, this will probably be fantastic for steaming silks and velvets and such. I just need to fire it up and use it!

Oooo, and the inspiration I’m going to post a ton of photos over on flickr, but here are some samples. This is a detail from Betty Pillsbury’s Hoffman challenge honorable mention (can you believe that’s all she got?):
And this is my favorite from Christine Dabbs (but please go look at the other pictures). This is the Roosevelt Bears. Honestly it looks like it’s done by machine, but it’s all hand done. It’s awesome! I bought the poster and it now hangs in my studio!

So today Rhonda is coming over and we’re doing a feather stitch on the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt banner. Woo hoo, it’s almost done and it looks fantastic! I’ll have some pictures up later.

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