Tag: fiber art

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Surfing doing research for my articles and wow: Read the interview with her here and then check out the CUTE board books on her website – wouldn’t they make outstanding gifts?

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My crazy summer and other hypocritical statements

My crazy summer and other hypocritical statements

This really cool program was a find from eluckypacket and so I’m going to be adding these to my regular repertoire! However, this quote I pulled out this morning…thinking “wow, what a neat quote”Then, I volunteered 2 full days (7am to 11pm) to drive VIP’s around at the Denver National

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Illustration Friday and a new project

Illustration Friday and a new project

Gosh, I haven’t done illustration friday in so long that I’d lost the button off my sidebar. Funny tho, this one came and I just knew what I wanted to do – the theme this week is “Forgotten”: Call it the “Jessie the cowgirl” or “Velveteen Rabbit” syndrome, but there

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Inspiration from the “Quilt of the Month”.

Inspiration from the “Quilt of the Month”.

I’ve talked about the International Quilt Study Center’s quilt of the month, but this month I gasped when I opened this one by M. Joan Lintault – gorgeous! (there’s a close up on the site by the way) This is what really got me: “In her pieces Lintault employs an

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Inspirations for life

The last post may have been a hint, but I’ve been artistically blocked. I look at my pile of projects and say “BLECK”. I don’t want to touch anything or do anything. I’ve been frustrated by 90% of them…caught up in the technical when I want to express myself….whatever expressing

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Wow! What a summer!

I’m still in process of writing my blog entry about my friends being on Trading Spaces! Summary: they had a great time and would definately recommend it! (the rooms turned out great). Be sure to visit my Houseblog later today for the “after” pictures of one of the houses! 🙂But

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Gallery up and getting my art head organized.

Starting with my picture I drew (in College) of a lady with fish. I know it SEEMS like I’m not around, but I am. This weekend, I reorganized my side bar and at the top you will see a link to my gallery…the gallery is in Flash, so if you

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Artistic Exploration and a trip to Missouri

Having two children and more going on than I probably should, I find that “recovery” often takes WAY longer than it should. Sorry for my absence. The picture above was taken on a whirlwind trip to and from Missouri – back to my college reunion to Cottey College in Nevada

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