Inspirations for life

The last post may have been a hint, but I’ve been artistically blocked. I look at my pile of projects and say “BLECK”. I don’t want to touch anything or do anything. I’ve been frustrated by 90% of them…caught up in the technical when I want to express myself….whatever expressing myself is.

I posted this on the Fiber arts Mixed Media list and got some great suggestions for unblocking. One was to work on altered books…but I have to say, years and years of being taught never to deface a book is making that one tough!

So, I went to stitch night and dug out a few old projects that caught my eye. I have a thread journal….I’ve been working on it for a while, but a bit of inspiration hit. Even hand coloring some things I printed out on fabric.

Then I have a piece I copied onto fabric (it’s a flower I scanned) and so am pondering beading it.

And finally a purse – no idea why I never finished it…but I love the fabrics and direction it was taking.

I’m feeling better. Still sort of unmotivated, but I suspect that’s a whole other problem! 🙂 More creativity later…I’m in the studio today! 🙂

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