Having two children and more going on than I probably should, I find that “recovery” often takes WAY longer than it should. Sorry for my absence. The picture above was taken on a whirlwind trip to and from Missouri – back to my college reunion to Cottey College in Nevada Missouri. We then took a side trip to Branson. For those who want to be bored with family travel pictures…they’re posted here (note to grandparents..there are several pages!).
I haven’t been getting much done in the craft/art department and I’m planning a big project of doing a retrospective of all the art I’ve done (college till now) and putting it in a gallery. Mostly for my own use. Be kind of cool to see where I have been and where I am now!
However, while you’re all waiting (I’m sure with baited breath) for me to gather myself, here are a few links I’ve been saving:
Fabric Postcards – How to Make a Fabric Postcard – neat info on fabric postcards.
International Quilt Study Center : Education & Research : Lecture/Public Programs – yikes, I could spend days and days on this site. I highly recomment the “Quilt of the Month” under exhibitions. They email you a link with a picture and history of a different quilt a month. Neat neat stuff!
Directory to Quilt History Information Online – furthermore, if that last site doesn’t give you something to do for a while…visit this site! Wow, the quantity of information is staggering!
I promise to have more soon! Just in “reworking” mode.