2 1/2 HOURS IN LINE! And my outgoing email isn’t working!

I’m in a bad mood. I was just reading Sharon’s tips (actually from another blog) about blog writing and it says to not get too personal, but frankly, that would make me not human. I just can’t believe I waited two and a half hours in line to vote! What a screwed up system! Whew. Ok, I feel better having vented.

The good news is I made lots of new friends in line to vote – can you imagine 2 and a half hours! Luckily the kids were at school and I saw another Mom from the class passing me in time to get her to watch my kids for the 1/2 hour I was late to go get them!

Do you think the politicians can get me back 2 and a half hours of my life? Ok, it was worth it…maybe tomorrow it will be worth it! 🙂

I have a project to get out this afternoon and NO OUTGOING EMAIL! EEEK! Oh, well, called the printer and it’s ok…can wait until tomorrow.

I’m going to get my brazillian embroidery and start working on it. See, there’s my “craft” content for today! 🙂 Actually I found several cool sites/people I want to blog about but I’m just too grumpy to do it.

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