A backlog of posts!

A backlog of posts!

Not sure I’ll get to them today, but I finally worked out how to bookmark sites again with my “send to blogger” on my browser (this is a really handy skippy tool!) and so have been surfing and reading blogs, just not actually blogging (sigh!)

I was struck down with stupid Strep this week, really struck down…in bed, to the dr, the whole bit (which I almost never do!). So, I’m a ton better. Yesterday felt really like myself and except for a bit of a tender throat, I’m back to normal…whatever normal is!

I realized in all the shuffle that I didn’t put up pictures of our Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters class last weekend. Here’s some work of Claudinas…..her wool applique and underneat a silk ribbon embroidery she’s going to teach next time:
Here are some of the gals working on the class (and thier own blocks). Rhonda Perry demonstrated a few stitches: the Palestrina, Feather Stitch Fan, Wheat Ear, and the Cretan. Even if you “know” a stitch, it’s amazing how many ideas a group like that can come up with.
So far (cross your fingers for me) neither of the kids have strep (and are tired of me saying “is your throat sore?” a thousand times a day!). Here’s Matey Moo trying on my sweatshirt…he’s gotten big, but not big enough to fill out one of MY fat sweatshirts (ha, ha!).

I’m off to the store (afraid not a ton of stitching today!)….I’m having a Silpada party – I got a lot of compliments on the pieces Rex has surprised me with and I’m hoping people buy, buy, buy today and I get some free stuff…at least we’ll have a great time…wine, cheese, sweets, makeup and jewelry….what could be better, eh?

PS: The hearts all sold at the Auction! Very exciting! We’re definately doing that again next year! We always have a fun…it’s quite the eclectic crowd!

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