A moment of fame, with the family all in bed sick

Ok, so I was wrestling with whether or not to even post this on the weblog, but I figure, what the heck…not like they don’t expect it! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yesterday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by one of our local TV news stations about Blogs….little did I know that I was the “featured” real blogger…wow! What fame! You’ll find the written story and even the actual broadcast (if you have the right plugins) right here: 9news.com News .

I feel kind of funny about it, I haven’t been doing this that long, and the moment of “fame” (if you can call it that), seems kind of funny, but I guess you take it where you can get it. Oh, and beware, I do refer to blogs as “creepy”, but I actually have a friend (Amy, who will never read this) who really does think it’s a little weird. So, those are her words…not mine! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The great news is that I got crazy quilting mentioned on TV, which…for most of us fans of crazy quilting…is quite an accomplishment.

The bad news is that I actually have time to write tonight because the kids are in bed and my hubby is totally asleep…sick. Bummer, eh? Especially since tomorrow we’re expecting at least 35 people over for a political get together (should I spoil it and say for who? Nah!!)…and so it’s going to be a very busy day!

I think the guy at 9news was a little disappointed that I didn’t rant more about my political beliefs (it does say I might in my header) but I’ve decided that the artistic outlet is more important and I really don’t want to offend any of my “quilty buddies”.

So, I’m going to surf a bit more (maybe some shopping?) and off to bed. Wow, gosh, all the excitement! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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