A new stitch, fish anatomy and stitch “issues”

I’m finally done with my portion of Antonia’s round robin and I think it looks pretty good:

The original inspiration for all of this was the peach shells which I thought went great.

I needed to do one more seam embellishment so I decided to try the Basque Stitch from Sharon B’s stitch index – I think it turned out pretty well, but it brought up a couple of questions.

When you are stitching into a tight corner, do you end the stitch sequence early? Or shorten the stitches? Or just stitch over the other seam? I wasn’t sure and in one corner I kind of stitched over the top. The worst part of this is it kind of limits what you do with the other seam…but since I don’t have to do it I guess I can leave that to an expert! 🙂 Any advice out there ladies?

I’m fairly proud of the fish. I just made it up. Rog (hubby) helped me with a bit of fish anatomy to make it look more realistic, but for a girl who’s always lived pretty landlocked I think my little seascape looks pretty good! 🙂 (she says humbly!!)

Ok, today is a “real work” day (LOL) – so I’m off.

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