A productive creative stitching weekend!

A productive creative stitching weekend!

Woo hoo! (extra hoo). I was totally productive this weekend. In anticipation of the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters meeting I did two round robins. This one is for a gal who’s making a quilt for her daughter out of her Dad’s flannel shirts. This one is a butterfly:
I tried to soften the bottom by adding the flowers and little feather stitch. We’re actually running out of room on a lot of these blocks! The one below is gorgeous. I did the fleurette (sp?) at the bottom. It’s hand dyed on one of our crazy quilt retreats. However, note the beaded flowers above my addition….aren’t they great?
We’re going to learn how to make those over the next two RMCQ meetings…I can’t wait! 🙂

Then! I got something off my UFO list (see my sidebar). Woo Hoo! It’s nothing major. it’s pre-quilting reversible fabric I bought a LONG time ago. Anyway, because it was reversible I had to do french seams down the middle and a rolled seam around the edge. It needs to soften with washing and I’m not thrilled with the shape, but keep in mind I HATE my sewing machine and have no real sewing sense at all, so I’m excited about the french seam!

I also started and finished another one of Sandra Dallas’s books. It was fabulous: New Mercies . Has a crazy quilt on the cover so I had to read it first (I borrowed another one too) . Great story, talks about crazy quilting and Denver history. All in all a good read.

So, more stitching tonight and probably going to watch “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe”. I love a fun and productive weekend! 🙂

My poor inlaws (and various other rellies – have to be an Aussie to get that one) haven’t seen any good family pics in a while so here’s a particularly good one of “the boys”:

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