And the bead journal project starts!

And the bead journal project starts!


And so here’s the beginning of my Bead Journal project. The one on the left is mostly likely to become “January” but the one on the right is where I’m experimenting with adding dimension to her arms (if you remember my sketch, the doll actually has arms).

January’s “theme” is going to be “focus” – so I’m using that piece I picked up at a local bead store as a center and I’m working my way out from there. I’m still not sure if I’m best off stitching them while they’re flat, but honestly I like working in dimension so that I can see how it’s all going to turn out. However, the jury is still out on doing it this way.

So, I can’t wait (really I’m totally psyched about this experience) and I look forward to getting to know all my beading friends over at the Bead Journal project blog! (go over and friend the blog to see what’s happening!). I’d also love to know which Crazy Quilting friends out there are participating – maybe we can cheer each other on. You KNOW I’ll do several crazy quilted dolls!

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