Ok, so I’m a bit late with this, but day before yesterday (just in time for Australia day) a WONDERFUL package from Maureen showed up! I think you’ll agree it’s fantastic:
I think the last one (sorry about the crease in the middle) would be particularly cool for something….hmmmm…more project ideas. But the others are WONDERFUL! I adore them…they work in really well with the fabrics I really like….thank you Maureen (and all of this for just helping her get the bloggers who embellish button on her blog!!! Hmmm, I wonder what else I can do to get more fabric! (Just kidding! :-))
Also, in the same mail (thus you can see the Australia Day link) came this:
I have a subscription that my mother in law on the Gold Coast in Australia gave me for my birthday…lucky girl, eh? If you’ve missed this little tidbit – my hubby is Australian, he grew up in Sydney.
So, WOW! What loot in the mail, eh?
I got a kick out of Sharon B’s post on Australia day…I had printed out a lot of those coloring book pages for my kids last year. We even did a little celebration at their preschool with another Mom who’s married to an Australian (I think you all are INVADING the US! :-)).
Anyway, tonight I’m going to one of the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilting group member’s houses (whew, that was long) to stitch…just social….it should be wonderful….OH, AND I got my first round robin in the mail today. I have to admit I’m scared stiff! Totally worried I’ll do something terrible to it! ๐ So, send good stitching karma my way and I’ll try to thing of something fabulous to stitch on it! ๐ Ok, I’m off to piece my block for the swap. So much stitching to do and so little time! ๐