One of my Christmas presents this year was this fabulous book and so I’m finally getting ready to stitch with it. My experience with crewel has been elementary at best and I’m vowing to do a bit better with this one – so I bought a frame – just a cheap one from Joanne’s to see if I like using it. I’ll transfer the pattern over the weekend – very excited to try out some fun colors and do some interesting fill work (which I really haven’t ever done).
Then I’m back to working on this project – the slippery fabrics and sewing them together were my first challenge and now I’m having fun beading – but that’s a LOT of fringe! ha ha. I’m sort of hoping this piece will be fairly heavily beaded, but I’ll have to see where it takes me. I need to do my TAST for the week, but it’s fun to finally get going on some other projects.