Bloggers who embellish ring

For those who don’t know, I’m the ringmaster (which sounds very circusy) behind the Bloggers who Embellish ring. Of late (the last 5-6 months) the ring has been hit by spammers, and spammers and spammers. Luckily, I have to hand approve everyone in the group, but it gets exhausting….so I just put it off and approved each weekend. This weekend I’ve been so busy revamping our Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters group site (more great links with more description coming soon) that I didn’t even check the list….well, we have 13 new fabulous ring members!
Just a note to all who are on the ring…I’m not really nasty about issues getting the ringcode in. Feedback from ring members is that they use the list more than the “forward and back” buttons and I want NEW bloggers (who maybe fantastic embellishers) to be in the ring. I’m always looking for volunteers to go through the ring and help me purge old dead sites and gently help folks get the ring code on tho! 🙂
However, I also put together a “support group” at Yahoo (which I just realized there’s no link to on the blog ring site -must fix that!)…where folks can go back through old questions and ask new ones. I adore the world of fiber artists and I think the more who can blog their work, the more inspiration I get (all selfish, I assure you!).
Just as an aside, we’ve had some magnificent new members and just a few to go look at are: (oh, dear heavens, look at her website, it’s wonderful!) – love the embroidered silk paintings – I just love historic needlework…going to be a faithful reader of this one! – some lovely crazy quilting – a younger, mom approach (I do love all the Mom’s who blog…it’s like an online support group!)
Today, I’m going to make some progress on art/craft…I have to! 🙂
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