Life has been upside down here – we’ve uprooted the house, and moved the office and the kids are starting a new school in a new district in just a few weeks. I feel like I’m at the last mile of a very very very (did I mention “very”) long race. This is a summer I won’t forget, but not particularly in a good way.
Anyway, the hallmark of this summer for me has been books. I’ve been reading like a madwoman! According to the records I keep in Goodreads, I’m on my 15th novel since the kids got out of school at the end of May. Some I read in a few days, some got neglected on my bedside table for a few days, but that’s what I’ve been doing to escape the chaos.
This, of course, is not including blogs, articles on the internet and all the other reading I do. Only one of those has to do with Aspergers (which my son was just diagnosed with), although I’ve just added 4 on that subject today which I will be reading soon. I have to admit I don’t do well with “text” books – much better with something that’s readable.
Anyway, what prompted this post was that I was looking at comments about some of my favorite books that I’ve been reading this summer (I’ve been especially enamored with Elizabeth Berg) and looking at how wide of a range comments can be on the same book. It’s interesting how one book can be seen as “sappy” by one and “deep and inspiring” by another.
I was thinking about how – in participating in Internet focus groups and other geeky internet things – some companies hate “comments” or “ratings” on their products and I was wondering how I would feel if I were that author. Some people write really nasty things – I think I’ve only slammed one book, but I did do it. Books are so personal, I would think that sort of comment would really hurt – not sure. I guess you’d either have to take it as constructive, ignore it as “one person’s opinion” or not read them.
I like ratings – on almost everything BUT books. I tend to read the description of the book and decide based on that. Mainly because I feel like how someone experiences a book is deeply personal – very individual to not only the person reading it, but to the time in which they read it. For example, I never read heavy, sad or violent books when I need to be happy and flighty. Why ruin a good time! However, sometimes I just love those things – just when you need to escape or look a little more insight-fully at your own life.
Anyway, this isn’t a book blog (although there are days I wish it was – ha ha) – but I would love for any of you book lovers to go find me on Goodreads – I think it’s a great place to share books and I can’t tell you how many of my “future reads” come from my friends on there! For example I’m now dying to read “The Hunger Games”, which along with being written up on has also been suggested to me by two of my Facebook friends – LOVE new book ideas!
I also LOVE book blogs – and one of my favorite: recently chose me to recieve this absolutely awesome “banned books” bracelet:
Isn’t it fabulous? If you want one, you can get one over at the ALA store – there’s a kids one I might get Missy C for Christmas (shhh). I do LOVE it when I get mentioned on a huge blog – very very fun! (I feel famous – ha ha).
So, what are your favorite books? Have you ever slammed a book online in a review? Are you on author? How do you feel about that “feedback”. All questions I’ve been pondering today!