Sorry for the lack of posting, but it’s been absolutely crazy around here! My inlaws are visiting from Australia and Cheyenne “graduated” from preschool (a HUGE ceremony) and totally totally cute (some pictures to come, but the stitching news is heavy)!
This is the beginning of Tina’s wedding quilt! Finally! I ran some of the fabric through my printer and got kind of a rustic photo of the place they were married. The girl (Tina) will sit in the fragments of the old wedding dress in the center. It’s coming along nicely now…probably be next weekend before I get out the pattern of the girl tho.
Then, this is a little piece that we took as a “mini-class” from Christine Hause during our crazy quilting meeting. I still have mixed feelings about Brazillian, but it’s done and looks fairly nice:
So, I had mentioned my mother in law is visiting and I dragged her (not totally unwillingly! :-)) to a 2 hour extended Brazillian Embroidery class with Christine to make this:
Here’s my doodle cloth with the practice stitches and my notes….I’ve only done a few stems on the actual piece so nothing really to show yet!
And as a grand finale, here’s Harry. I threw this little piece of cut off applique on his head and it didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest…just wanted to hang out while I was sewing.
Anyway, several projects are moving along nicely. With a LOT Of help from Ellen, I managed to finish a pair of pajamas for Matey Moo (Bob the Builder fabric). Now I need to do some Cinderella ones for Missy C….on my own (bum, bum, bum bum…..roll here). We’ll see how good I am without someone to show me every little step. I am LOVING the serger tho. I can definately see the appeal!
Anyway, I’ll get a picture of that later. Big work day tomorrow, but I’ll try to catch up more throughout the week!