Busy holiday weekend

We had a busy weekend….we finished all the decorations…some of the stockings needed repair, and I was determined to do a good job of decorationg this year – Rex was busy with the lights…despite the 25 degree high today…BRRR! Really cold on that ladder!

But the lights look fantastic! (too cold to take the photo outside!)

Here’s one of my projects (picture missing)…remember the artwork from Shag? Well here’s my version. Rex actually cut out the wood last year and I just got around to it. I’m not totally happy with it, but it will do!

And then we desperately needed a new tree skirt (photo also missing). So, I did this out of red cotton duck…a little trim at the top, and a scolloped bottom…now I just need to embellish it. I have a feeling I’ll do a bit this year and finish it off next year. I have two pieced Crazy quilt pieces that were too small to do anything with…got them in a trade. I cut one into a bell shape and one into a circle that is going to be an ornament. Anyway, more pictures to come, but it needs to be finished this week!

I’ve shelved my other project for this Christmas due to doing a couple of other new project….more on those later!

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