Cars back in service, too hot to stitch

Cars back in service, too hot to stitch

Well thankfully all of my car woes are over – for those of you who didn’t know, all of our cars went belly up in the heat and so we were carless, then not carless then broken down and walking with two kids home at 10pm. All is well tho, and the other car will be home on Sunday…my nice parents have loaned us a car for a few days to get through some “double” car issues. Here (mostly for the grandparents) is Matey Moo’s new haircut (none of mine yet…gotta get Rex to take a picture):

I’m a wimp. I HATE heat! So, today we are hiding in the house. It’s supposed to be 104 degrees today and we do not have air conditioning. I did go out and buy another fan, which should help. Oddly, I’ve actually been getting quite a bit of work done this morning, but UGH….I hate the heat (have I mentioned this?).

I have done NO stitching. I’m really hoping to get back into it this afternoon, but I’ve set a goal on my web design stuff that I have to do before I can have fun. However, here is the mostly finished workspace downstairs…I got my bead shelf up again and some things on the walls.

This is the front view…I think the bookcases to hold the door up (the top is a bifold door) is pretty clever for storage (that’s actually a sweater drier stuffed under there for the time being). Well, I’m off to get stuff done. With any luck I’ll have some stitching to show tonight.

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