Cars quilt – resized and ready to go!

Cars quilt – resized and ready to go!

alec's-quiltSo, on my sidebar for quite some time has been “Alec’s Car’s Quilt” (as in Cars the movie). I’ve had the fabric for forever. however, no sooner had I purchased it than he up-sized to a double bed and all my fabric purchasing, etc.

Well, that threw me into a tizz. So, it sat for 2 years!!

A few weeks ago, I asked my “expert advisory panel” (aka, my stitch group) for advice and they told me it was no big deal…yeah, right.

However, this past weekend, I picked out a size I liked from the best quilt sizes here, drew it up in Adobe Illustrator and then laid out all the 8×8 boxes I thought I’d need. The design to the side is what I came up with.

Then I laid out my blocks and have come up with a pattern like below. The blocks on the left are the blocks in the middle. The black with the red square represents what I’d put in the “border of blocks” on the outside.


It’s going to work out pretty well – however I have NO idea what I was thinking when I got the black fabric with the motorcycles. I know there’s some really cool Route 66 fabric out there, so I’m going to get a black one to go behind the red Lightning McQueen blocks and then I’ll need to find a border fabric (no ideas – I’ll take them all into a store and work it out.

Now I need to figure out how much fabric, etc. Wish me luck! 🙂

The good news is I’m making progress. I should be able to quilt it myself too – I’m not planning on doing anything too fancy – just in the ditch! 🙂

Any other suggestions?

Oh and I’ve added some new items (and will be adding more soon) so keep an eye on my sidebar! I’d love to find homes for those last little spirit dolls!

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