Catching up

Catching up

Finally posting today, it just seems like I haven’t had time to breathe! ๐Ÿ™‚ This Wednesday our Exchange students get here and I can’t wait. Partially because it will be really really fun to have them here and partially because this is when my stupidity pays off. I really now know my limits and taking a second job right now was STUPID! However, the next three weeks will be fun, it will be over and then I can move on! ๐Ÿ™‚

What I’m working on now:

I put together this book cover for my journal. I’m using it to collect thoughts and get organized and I thought having a nice CQ cover would be appropriate. If you’ve been reading my blog, you might remember the Brazillian piece. Because it is stitched on thermalamb(sp?) I had to beef up the rest of the piece with that (just what would be on the book cover.

Sigh, I only have one seam stitched, but hopefully more today!

Then, I took this picture of my desk a long time ago….I think it’s fun to see where people work and this is my “workplace”. When I do websites and all other variety of jobs, I sit here….it makes me crazy to have it messy (unless, you’re really clean and you think this is messy) but this is what it really looks like when I work.

And last but not least…the cats. Aren’t they cute. Brothers and they’re so funny when they hang out together!

I promise family members and such that I will have photos of the kids soon! Today is gardening and having some fun, so maybe tonight! ๐Ÿ™‚
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