Ok, so I’ve given the great audience of craftster about 2 weeks to help me on this, so now I turn to my blogreaders for help.
Here’s a lamp I have in the kid’s room (sort of a nightlight):
This is the inside of it…it’s supposed to have a pinwheel sort of fan at the top, but the kids have destroyed it.
What I’m looking for is a template or new idea for the top so I can either put this back inside or come up with a new idea to put inside of it. At any rate, I can’t believe that there isn’t someone out there in the crafty world that hasn’t fixed/enhanced one of these lamps!
HELP!!! 🙂
Speaking of cool things you run across on the net, here’s an idea: book thongs! Really cool beaded bookmarks! I’ve actually been wishing I had a better bookmark…what cool gifts these could make…what do you all think?