We just got back from a wonderful trip to South Dakota and I really enjoyed the time in the car stitching. Some of you may remember the book cover I’m working on. I just hated the design on the one side, I tried to dye it, and all sorts of things…finally I just edited it down and now I have this:
I also made a LOT of progress on Cheyenne’s Kitty Quilt Wall hanging (the project has been downgraded. I just need to applique one more block, finish the stitching and put the whole thing together…..wow! I almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! Woo hoo! The cat enjoyed posing with it…do you suppose he sees the resemblance? Ha, ha!
Just a final note, if you haven’t voted for me, will you pop over to Divine Caroline and give me a “thumbs up”….I’m only a few votes behind! 🙂 I think you have to register, but the newsletters over there are really great! I love the “Found It. Loved It” style one – and if you know me, I don’t have a stylish bone in my body! ha, ha!