Crazy Quilting is sweeping the nation – or at least the Rocky Mountain Region!

Yesterday we had our first RMCQ meeting since handing out brochures at a local craft show…and we had 12 visitors and 10 new members! We are SO EXCITED!!!!! It seems there are lots of folks out there interested in Crazy Quilting and we have just begun to tap the market around here.

Calendar sales are continuing on the internet…thanks to all of you who have bought them and I’d LOVE it if you all let folks know if you’re happy when they arrive…we still have some left! 🙂 This year was a small press run, so we’re hoping to sell them all out early -ok, well maybe not early, next year we’ll start this project a LOT earlier!

Most of the proceeds (there is a little that will go to helping our club run – web fees and such) are going to go to at least a full day (if not two day…still in the planning stages) visit from Judith Baker Montano! She lives here in Colorado and one of our members is friends with her, so we’re hoping to have a wonderful visit from her! I was just looking at her schedule and it looks like you gals in Southern Australia are going to get a good visit from her! Maybe we’ll all have to swap notes, eh? We’re planning on having her for a lecture and a 6 hour class…should be fantastic!

Anyway, today is housework, and maybe some stitching late! I have a lot of links we want to add to our group website, and maybe I’ll get around to that too!

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