Yesterday was our monthly Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters meeting ( and we had some fun!
We swapped our Round Robin blocks. Here are mine! I only added a few embellishments to this, but I had to put the whole block up…aren’t the colors gorgeous? The embellishments and fabrics all go so beautifully! This one is called “circle of friends” and was a big circular block. I added this little piece (the picture Pat Winter might recognize!) and the little flowers. I sort of left the edge haphazard…I felt it was “fun” and sort of left some “imagination space” for the next embellisher.
THEN! We got to learn how to do a peyote stitch in beading. I’m still working on this, and will get back to you when it’s closer to done. Not sure if it’s headed for a pin or a necklace, but Martha put some fabulous kits together with some gorgeous stones! LOVE mine!
Anyway, I just ADORE beading. It’s so so so relaxing and fun!
Meanwhile, there’s an update over at Helping Handmade! After some delays and some issues with the forum (where the classes will be taught) we’re all set up for classes to start the end of this month!
Starting with a basic wire wrapping class! Then we have a basic Brazilian embroidery course (and it’s really NOT hard!). Then Susan Sorrell is going to teach basic embroidery! They’re all fabulous, reasonably priced and good for mother earth! Again, we donate a portion of all the proceeds to an environmental cause and also help you to develop the skills to reuse and recycle stuff you’re tired of and might otherwise throw out!