I’m still working away at my cross stitch and my crewel project. However, I took a side trip over to the sewing machine to catch up mending – I think that’s my biggest annoyance with the machine is that it can be used for so many practical things! ha ha!
The crewel project is coming along, despite the fact that I took out a bunch of stitches I didn’t like.
The cross stitch is moving along nicely – however, I realized I stitched it onto the canvas sideways – ugh! The good news is that there’s enough room to finish it, but can you believe it? It almost seems like this has been cursed!
As for books, I just started a new series (the books are .99 on Amazon for the kindle) – the Mac Faraday murder series. They’re cute books with an ultra intelligent dog side-kick. Cozy mysteries. I really enjoy them – it makes them page turners without the gore of a true crime novel! 🙂
There’s been an awesome series over on about http://www.greatthoughts.com about books to read if you love “Downton Abbey” (here’s the lastest post – scroll down and there are more posts with more books). – I’m going to put all of these on my to-read list – I love having a selection to pick from when Im ready for a new book!