I have been trying to organizing my blogging – all attempts at which seem to fail. However, I’m going to try to record some of my favorite sites that I visit regularly on the net. Of course these sites range from parenting sites (oooo, found a new one at Geek Parenting) to art sites, political sites and just some regular old popular sites.
Sometimes I really love having a good “surf around the creative net”. Wow, awe-inspiring at times! I am amazed at the creativity just oozing out of people. I know I’ll find it at some point, but reading blogs sometimes leaves me feeling lacking. And in fact, not quite knowing where to start.
For instance, here’s my Mother in Law….who always finds something wrong with her work (grrr). I found her this pattern and insisted she make it for my son:
Isn’t he adorable? (Gromit for those of you who are Aardman challenged) She’s humble, but I think she did an amazing job! I can’t even imagine knitting something like that! Ok, I don’t knit and can’t imagine knitting…so it’s a HUGE leap!
Jude, at Spirit Cloth and What If is just amazing! I adore the style and the look…..her quilts are amazing and her stitching is just fabulous. Mostly I love that she seems to love fabric…you can just feel the fabric through the pictures!
Then as a complete juxtaposition (“big fancy word of the day”…can you tell I have elementary school age kids!) is this LOVELY historical piece from Raciare’s Embroidery and Needlework:
I have to say, I’ve seen things like this in museums, but the concept of CREATING it is amazing. Wow, can’t really say much more. Humbling. Check out her website…even the most amazing embroiderer will be humbled.
So, I’m back to dig out my ever so humble stitching.