Crossed buttonhole, wheatear stitch and finished curtains (2nd set)

I didn’t take pictures of the garden – and it’s too late now because it’s pouring rain, but that occupied a lot of my weekend – mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, planting things and now rain. Gotta love that timing eh?

However, this afternoon I was able to finish the 2nd set of curtains – these are sort of across the room from the others in the laundry area – kind of brightens up an otherwise boring hallway.

Then I got back to work on my crazy quilt block – doing first the wheatear stitch (love this one – and I have NEVER tried it before!) – got so carried away that I’m putting it on a really long seam (with maybe some variations to what I add in the future – but I didn’t quite finish the whole seam before I needed to get these pictures up for the night! I love the way you can turn and mold this stitch and I intend to use it a lot in the future.

This week’s TAST stitch is the crossed buttonhole. I don’t know about anyone else, but I always seem to have to look up how to do the button hole every time I do it – once I start a row I’m fine, but it’s a drama getting going. Both of these I started by the cast on stitch flower and worked out – so I had to do part of it backwards. It was really fun tho – and I think maybe it needs some flowers on the ends or something? Again, I’ll have to go back and add more as I go along – don’t you think?

The kids had 3 out of 5 days OFF of school last week, so it totally messed up my schedule. I’m looking forward to a full week this week, but I have tons of actual work to do to get caught up. Sigh. It never ends, eh? However, it really was a lovely weekend – we even took in a lacrosse game (never had seen one in my life) and had some friends over for a Bar-B-Q – so it was busy, fun and got some stitching in (I did the stitching while watching the first “Lord of the rings” movie – yikes we’re SO behind on movies!).

Anyway, I now feel like I’m back up with the group on TAST – so can’t wait to see what the next stitch is!


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