Fairy goddess mothers quilt

Fairy goddess mothers quilt

I’ve been waiting for all the correct permissions (the future owner and the creator of the “fairy pattern – HI Linda and Tina!) So, here’s my idea for the “bride’s quilt”…the gal in the neighborhood who wants to do something with the “dress she never wore” (it was ruined by the seamstress). So, here are the fabrics and my sketches so far.
This is the ruined dress….cool beadwork, eh?

These are the fabrics she picked out (I’m going to supplement some of my own):
Graciously Linda Poole, Mom of the FairyGoddess Mothers is letting me use her fairy pattern (you’ll recognize it from my CQ fairy quilt…I can’t believe it’s been that long since I worked on it…eek!)- the “bride” (we’ll call her!) really loved the pattern and frankly I can’t find anything like it on the net. So, with Linda’s and Tina’s blessing, here’s my first sketch. I don’t normally do sketches, so I assume this will be my last one and I’ll start piecing….now…to find the time (I’m still going back and forth on the hair, I agree with Linda that the original fairy hair is pretty cool)!
If any of you are interested, the Fairy Goddess Mothers is a really cool group. You get the pattern for a VERY minimal fee and then you take it and use it in a quilt, you can then tour your quilt with the fairy’s (or just keep it and love it!). You also have to write a story about your fairy (I have a VERY rough draft with mine).

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