I think you will all understand how crazy it’s been when I wish my Mom and Dad Happy 50th Anniversary. Their anniversary was actually in March, but the celebration got moved to summer so my brother, sister in law, and two kids (who my kids have never met!) could come from Maine and my other brother from England!
It was crazy, fun, busy and I’m relieved it’s over and went so well. For family (or people who won’t be bored completely stiff) here are the photos! (mine anyway).
The cousins had a wonderful time together and I’m sure there will be a lot of emailing and care packages in the future!
Thanks Mom and Dad for being a wonderful inspiration!
In other family news, my mother in law has started a blog, so pop over and say hi! I think she’s going to need some encouragement, so those of you who thought you were “blog challenged” but are actually enjoying it…go over and give her a welcome!