Happy 8th Missy C!

Happy 8th Missy C!

Wow, 8 years ago today. It all seems to have gone too fast.

8 years ago yesterday, I went to the Dr. and with a slight elevation in blood pressure, they decided to induce. The Dr’s comment? “You’re not going home without a baby”. I spent the night of the 10th looking out the window at a snowstorm. The next day you were born. Wow. How amazing. You were the most beautiful baby.

Just the other day I was telling you how you napped on top of me – you would wiggle and wiggle trying not to fall asleep, so I would hold you tight until you fell asleep. You always hated naps.

“Daddy’s little girl” you always will be. You have a wonderful sense of humor – a very quick wit. You’re smart and pretty and light up our life.
That black hair soon fell out and you were a little cue ball for forever. But soon you became a blondie. Blonde hair and blue eyes and quite the sweet charmer. Adorable to the end.

You’ve always had your own style. I hope you keep that sense of “you” – that something that makes you special and fun! Love that hat!
Happy birthday Missy C. I love you with all my heart pretty girl!

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