Help with a Crazy Quilting class!!!

Help with a Crazy Quilting class!!!

We’re working on our January class for the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters here in Colorado and we thought we’d do crazy quilt design…..bad and good!

What we’re looking for is your best and worst design – a photo of each. Maybe with a description of why or what happened, etc. I’m going to print them out for the class so we can look at the examples! We have some real beginners, so I think this will be very helpful – so even if you’re a beginner then you should post something, please?! Any piecing techniques will work, but it should be somewhat Crazy Quiltish! 🙂

I’m trying to find two….I can’t find a picture of my “good” example right now, but this is one of what I consider a “bad” one. it’s been kind of a challenge to embellish. It has a HUGE seam down the middle and if not for that handkerchief I would have sewn myself into a corner! Ha, ha! (I’m getting so I use that trick a lot). I’m off to find a “good example” – I know there must be one somewhere! Ha, ha!
As I’m writing this, I realize we didn’t really talk about whether this was embellished or not! So, go ahead and give me what you have! I think plain are interesting…just to see the layout! And also then to see what embellishments do or don’t do to it! Does everyone agree?

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