The end of this month marks the launch of our first few classes at Helping Handmade. If you haven’t read about it here on my blog, it’s my pet project (totally labor of love right now) to get people crafting so they will reuse and recycle rather than buying new! 🙂
The first of the three classes is a wonderful class (with a great kit) from SlyMagpie where you will learn basic jewelry making techniques. Now you might ask….how will this help me recycle? Well, don’t you have a necklace that you love the beads on, but don’t like the style and length? So restring it? Pick up cheap jewelry at garage sales and make them into something wonderful!
Second, we have a wonderful basic Brazilian embroidery class. Learn some basic (but wow worthy) stitches that would really spruce up a little girl’s basic white top! Or take some of your old baby gifts (maybe unused blankets) and add a little embellishment to it and re gift it! (Re gifting is NOT a bad word anymore!)
And last (but not least) the crazy and creative Susan Sorrell will teach basic embroidery! Wish you could make cool and funky stuff? Embroider cute new throw pillows to spruce up that old ugly couch! (you’ve seen my post on cats…we don’t get rid of anything) – or put up a cool hanging to spruce up your house.
The greatest thing about the classes at Helping Handmade is that all the classes are taken and completed on your own time, but you have access to the teacher (and other students) for questions and input. Some of the teachers will also be posting videos to supplement their down-loadable lessons!
All of the classes are basic and beginner level because we can all learn new skills and there are other advanced online class sites out there. However, very few help out those of us who drool over things we find on the Internet, but can’t quite work out how to do them!
So, please, go try us out and be the first group to play with us at Helping Handmade!
(Yikes! that sounded like a commercial, but I really really can’t help it!)