This is what it looked like this weekend. I know, I look like I’m posting the same pictures over and over, but I promised, they’re all different!
I cannot believe that my horoscope said today: “If you’ve been thinking about starting a garden, this is a great day to do it, as anything relating to the land begun today is likely to thrive. “ Ok, is the person who wrote this a complete moron (it is January after all)? Or are they just taunting me?
Anyway, I’ve been busy…nursing sick kids (lovely cold going around) and also launching a new site: Denver Parents. It includes…what else….a BLOG! Plus a bulletin board for parents to post all sorts of things! I think it’s going to be a fun enterprise and hopefully less work than moderating a Yahoo group for parents (which is what this is born from).
Anyway, I finally have the craft room cleaned up, I went ahead and put fusing behind Tina’s Wedding Quilt, so I’m hoping that cures my “issues” with that project. Maybe not today (I actually have “work” to do today) but tomorrrow I can get back to work on that and Alec’s quilt. Wish me luck!