
I’ve actually been here on my blog, although I know I may have not seemed like it! I’ve been housecleaning. I’ve moved my blog a couple of times…new domain, new picture host, etc, and never really cleaned up all the old picture links that didn’t work, etc. So, I’ve been housecleaning.

Why now? You may ask….

Well, two things. First, my blog is now in it’s 4th year (can you believe it?) – I started writing July 2004! So, many things have happened, pets sick and died, kids in the hospital, Mom in the hospital (all better), jobs have come and gone. So, many projects, all my embroidery, brazillian embroidery, learning to sew with a machine (I know a few of you have giggled at me there!) and tons of photos of all of these memories! Even I didn’t realize how much I had recorded of my life here. It’s amazing.

So, why…you may ask….is my second reason? Well, I’m joining a group of lovely (and one handsome) bloggers for the new “Mile Hi Mamas” combo blog and discussion board that’s going to be part of our own Denver Post (newspaper in Denver) web site. We’re starting to work on the posting boards and there will be a link to my blog and gosh, I feel honored to join some pretty heavy duty Mom/Dad bloggers out there:

Angela Klocke
Crazy Bloggin Canuck
Mitch McDad (poor token Dad)
On the Banks of the Rio Grande

and me! 🙂

So, this blog -while continuing to chronicle my art and craft life, will now expand to a mommy blog too (although I’m pretty much a mommy who does needlepoint, art, work and tons of other stuff and always have been). So, I’m not sure how much this will really change at all. So, stay tuned…..

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