I have an OTT-Lite (well, sort of!)

This post was going to be called “While the cat’s away”…but I thought that sounded too sexist! After all, I’m sure my husband is off spending money and not looking at the bank accounts either! 🙂

Well, the kids and I went shopping today! We’d planned on going to a charity garden tour, but it was bucketing down rain (not exactly my idea of fun with two preschoolers) and so we went to Toys R Us and JoAnne’s Fabrics (all of our ideas of toy stores! :-)) – At JoAnne’s, I found an Ott-Lite for $17.50 (nope, that’s not a typo) but it said it didn’t lite up in all of the positions…what do I care? An Ottlite for 75% off? So, I bought it. Brought it home and it lit up once. Now to try to get it to do it again! However, even having it repaired can’t possibly cost me $50, so I still think it was a good purchase.

Oh, and it seems Chloe and Gina have new laptops too! Wow, maybe we should have a bloggers who embellish and have laptops ring!

Anyway, Chloe said she’s watching my progress on my cover…which gives me reason to try to get it finished. I bought strapping for the strap (along with my ottlite find)…because I’m afraid of having it break and breaking the laptop. However, I thought I better point out my source for the idea at Thimble. She not only made a fantastic looking case, but pointed toward this site with more ideas!

Oh, and the picture at the top is peonies from my garden….we’ve been here 3 years and this is the first time the bush has bloomed!

Update: IT WORK – the OTT lite works! I messed around with the bulb and plugged it in (in a pretty good usable position) and it WORKS! Woo hoo! Don’t you love a bargain that really is one?

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