To start, I have a “duh, what a totally good idea” tip…Rhonda on our retreat had her Crazy Quilt Stitches book bound…you get the binding cut off and replaced at Kinkos…makes it SO much easier to use and it only cost $6. My understanding is that Carol Samples, not only allows this on her books, she encourages it! So, cool idea eh?:
I have again slacked in my posting…the worst thing when I do this is that I have SO much to say that I either post 10 times or write the world’s longest post. more often than not I end up just dropping stuff out…which I’m sad about. Some cool things out there, like, have you all heard about the upside down Christmas trees that are all the rage?
Ok, the first thing I’m going to do is post last weeks (themewise) stash Sunday. Then I’m going to follow this up with another post with another one (mainly because I got some seriously cool new fabric!
So, the stash Sunday from last week is:
These are handkerchiefs that I inherited from both grandmothers…cool, eh? Most have stains, but for Crazy Quilting that means I can cut off a corner and use it to fix my pieces!
Here’s the most recent progress on my 2nd banner block. I have a long way to go, but if I post progress it makes me feel like I’m getting somewhere!
We’re off to the store for cupcakes for Missy C’s 5th birthday party at school. The “treat” in class has to be store bought…isn’t that a sad statement on the world? Oh well! I understand they all love cupcakes!