I voted!

I voted!

OK, so that’s my headline and my civic duty! I voted and I’m proud. Now off to crafty stuff.

Just for a bit of voyeurism, here’s my workspace and yes, that’s Sims2 on the computer. As the ultimate multitask-er, I have to check email, listen to my ipod (left) and stitch up the 2nd white block on the sewing machine:

On Sunday I did do a heap of work on my two white blocks. This is the first one which was pre-pieced. I picked out one stitch, added the lovely lace and added the stitch all the way along that long seam. Now, long seams are an issue in CQ, so I’m going to break it up with some random embellishments to that seam. I also added a little wedding dress embellishment in the lower right. This is block #2. The flower (pink in the center) that I have started on in silk ribbon was already stamped on that piece of fabric. I have the pin in there because i have to turn the corner on that piece, so I’m going to have some fun with that embellishment. This has the most wonderful selection of textures. I’m sure it’s going to be hard not to touch (my goal with fabric art).
This is a little detail of the feather stitch I’m doing on the one seam. Just a feather stitch, a straight stitch and a few french knots and voila!

Now, the amazing thing is this all needs to be done in 3 days. I’m pretty sure I can pull it off, but it’s going to be a stretch.
I did a few embellishments on a round robin I’m working on, but YUCK…bad photos. So, I’m off to retake those (telephones should be used for making calls apparently).
OK, off to tuck the kids into bed.
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