Thanks a bunch to “Sweet Mummy” one of my PoshMama pals for this wonderful award! Makes me just want to get going and “Kreat” today! ha, ha! So apparently I’m supposed to name 6 things I’m thankful for and pass this along to 6 bloggers (oh dear the choices) – so here goes!
Kind of an appropriate activity for 2 days before Thanksgiving! Don’t you think?
I’m thankful for:
- My family. They are wonderful. I adore every day I wake up and know I get to spend time with my husband and kids. Thanks guys! You’re always the bright spot in my day!
- My friends. Wow, what would I do without all of the wonderful support and friendship I have. From College friends, old work friends, to neighborhood friends, and stitching friends, I have riches beyond belief in this department! All of you make me who I am today and I wouldn’t be as succesful without all of your support.
- Our house and our neighborhood. This may seem silly, but when we moved to Denver we sat down in the perfect neighborhood. We have such a fabulous support system here, wonderful schools and our 50’s ranch house which we love so much it’s the subject of my other blog. I can’t think of one downside to where we live. It’s been one of the inspirations that has taken me where I am.
- My personal gifts. This includes my love of fiber, my creativity, my needlework skills. Apparently I have skill in writing (who knew? I had no idea I did). And for the inspiration that allows me to find things to write about. I am glad I have the skills to do my job as a web designer well and that I still enjoy it after 8 years of learning and expanding my business.
- The renewed spirit I see in the world today. With an ongoing war, financial crisis and so many negative things in the last several years, it’s wonderful to see a glimmer of hope and a bright light in the future for tomorrow. This is my kid’s future and it’s important to me that it takes a turn for the better. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m excited to see where the world is headed and I look forward to waking up every day to see what will happen next.
Ok, whew. That was kinda heavy! 🙂
So, here are my blog picks. No idea why, these are just who comes to mind as who inspires me and seems to continue to be inspired themselves:
- Jude at Spirit Cloth: I am constantly inspired and amazed at the images of her work. She’s gifted and has skills that I only wish I had! I’m always amazed that she takes time to write me back when I comment and I’m just happy I found her lovely blogs.
- Sharon at Pin Tangle (formerly “In a Minute Ago”). I count Sharon as a personal friend even though I’ve never met her. Her work is fabulous, inspirational and she maintains a professional and informational blog that I could only hope to achieve. I can’t imagine a day without checking in with her.
- Pat Winter at Gatherings: Her lovely blog seems such an extension of her life, her art and her spirit. She’s a lovely person and I hope some day to meet her and drool in person all over her work! (wow, doesn’t seem as appealing that way, does it?)
- Racaire’s Historic Needlework: It’s rare I’m totally awe inspired by someone’s work, but Racaire seems to have an ability lost in our day and age. It’s wonderful to see someone bring historic work to life and she does amazing things with a needle.
- Pam at Pamdora: her abilites as an illustrator and quilter leave me amazed and inspired that everyone has their “voice” in stitching. Her work is amazing and her life seems equally wonderful. Someday I want to grow up and have a fabulous studio with my husband (ok, not likely, but it’s a dream!).
- And Susan. I can’t help but think she and I were sisters seperated at birth! Her artwork is fabulous (and I actually can say I own and can touch a couple of pieces). She’s inspirational and a “sister” in the world of Internet geekdom. I consider her almost like a coworker in my creative and work life and I’m thankful I met her via the Internet.
Well I’m sure I could come up with 20 more, but that will have to do because I’m only allowed 6. I hope you visit all of these blogs and that they pass the Kreativ spirit around the net!