In full bloom

Well, the forsythia is in full bloom and 6 inches of snow is predicted for Sunday. this had better be the last snow. My husband, being from balmy Sydney Australia is NOT used to winter here and whines pretty much the whole winter about the snow (we don’t even GET that much!). However, this year, I’m ready for spring!

As I was loading my “progress” on the fiber “crowded” art quilt I realized that there really wasn’t enough progress to show off, so this is a mere hint of it! (kinda cool shot, eh?). Anyway, I’m working away at it today, so we’ll see. I should be working on web design stuff, but UGH…the needle was calling!
Tomorrow is our Rocky Mountain Crazy quilters meeting and we’re having a class discussion/sharing session about transfer methods…should be really cool! Oh, and I’ve been working on a flickr album for our crazy quilting group so hopefully I’ll come home with LOTS of pictures of everyone’s work tomorrow, so that should be ultra great!

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