IQAshow, My Little Mochi bag and a little comment on doing stuff by hand.

The last post I put up took me a couple of days to get up…which was annoying to say the least.
I’m in process of doing some work to my blog over the next couple of days and I may even move to WordPress…not sure, still looking into it. But while I “geek out” with all of that, I found a few things to entertain all of you.

Pam Rubert’s blog is wonderful (I adore her stuff) and she’s done a fantastic job of taking pictures and giving comments from Houston. I actually haven’t spent much time on it yet (I figure it’s at least an hour or two) but if you’ve got a bit of time today, check it out!

I also seldom gush about someone elses work, but I’ve been reading “My Little Mochi” for some time now and holy cow! Check out this bag! It may just be my taste (and about the 30 others that left comments), but I think that’s just the coolest bag I’ve ever seen…..EVER! The girl on it is hand appliqued – and there’s some skillful machine work there too! I think anyone would appreciate the work and talent.

I think this just goes to show that hand work (I’m still blown away by the hand appliqued girl) is not dead at all. I sometimes take flack for loving to do stuff by hand, but there’s a satisfaction and frankly a look of quality that you can’t get from fusing or slapping things together. Ok, I may take some heat for that, but I honestly believe it. If your’e going for a certain look AND enjoy doing handwork….nothing beats it! (off my soapbox for today!)

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