I’ve been crocheting – and knitting eye candy!

So, what have I been doing? My in-laws have been visiting from Australia and as you can imagine we do a lot of sitting and chatting. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my husband has taken up knitting and so he had many questions to ask my mother in law – plus we all had to make several shopping trips!

I was inspired and so dug out a project my mother had been carrying around forever – and did the edging in crochet. it was so fun that on one of the many shopping trips, I picked up my own yarn and decided to start a hat!

So, here’s the cool/groovy vintage pattern:

And here’s missy C wearing it – she says it’s “too scratchy” and the neck is too small for me, so I’m off to see if my Mom can still wear it and then we’ll decide whether or not to put the fringe on it.

The real “eye-candy” tho is my Mother in law’s finished baby shawl – she did this on circular needles and it’s HUGE:


Isn’t it gorgeous?

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