Last night was book club night! We did it a little differently and made it a stitch and bitch/book club night and it was really fun. Of course, it was me…the crazy quilter in a sea of knitters, but oh well. Those knitters have taken over the world! I wonder what it would take to convert them to CQ’ers. The great news is I made more progress on my block.
The book we read (or are reading, it’s really slow and none of us completely finished it) was Reading Lolita in Tehran (you can get it pretty cheap on Amazon right now by the way). The book is fantastic. It made me feel pretty parochial and isolated – and made my little issues seem very petty, but isn’t that good in a book. It’s very well written and we all enjoyed it a lot.
In our knitting discussions, Amy has a subscription to a very “dated” knitting magazine and so I was telling them about . Especially funny is this little project I ran across! (might give you all a giggle!).
Well, I’m having a bit of a creativity spurt on poor Leslie’s website that I’ve been “working” on…so hopefully I’ll get it up and running soon!
This afternoon we’re going to decorate cookies at “Granny and Gramps” house (my Mom and Dad’s), so that should be fun. If all goes well, I’ll let the kids and grandparents decorate and I’ll work on my Christmas blocks more!