Well, I hate to sound really lame, but blogging has cheered up my day!
It appears from quite a few blogs around, including thimble – More Donkeys and Aprons, Wee Wonderfuls and Angry chicken (which I admit I just glance in on ocassionally) and Roller Skates and an Apron that I’m HIP! I’ve been collecting aprons for a while.
Actually it’s probably cheating because I think they were all my Mother’s, but I especially adore the organdy ones…some never even really used (just for company)…so I wonder how I’d look the the neighborhood if I busted them out and started wearing them?
The cross stitich on the one on the right is really nice…the yellow flowers are printed.
There’s some nice detail on the one with the pink on the top and the lavendar is ribbon…the other is cotton, but I actually remember my Mother wearing that one.
The two below are really my favorite…and the flowers are hand stitched onto both – the bottom one is hand stitched between the layers to give it that filmy look.
Onto other new and exciting news: This is “Lappy”…(thus the geek icon in my sidebar)…it arrived from Australia today – an “extra” in my inlaws household (can you imagine?) and I’m the great bearer of it! (Thanks in laws in Australia – big wave here!!!!)
I’m so excited about my brand new toy (okay, it’s really a work tool, but that doesn’t sound as much fun!)!