Mail love and my rearranged office

Yay! I love the mail and especially when it has checks, Piecework magazine and FACES from Leslie (if you aren’t already familiar with her from Crazy Quilt International then pop over and say hi – she sells these faces!)! Yay! Aren’t these faces fabulous!! I’m sort of afraid I’ll mess them up with dye, so I’ll sit and fondle them in their current state for a while.

Speaking of Piecework – I’d love it if you all go buy it. I wrote kind of a nasty (perhaps I was a bit PMS’y) letter to the editor and told her I HATE that so much is knitting – MORE EMBROIDERY and lacemaking, ooo, beading and other stuff. So, first, get a subscription, then urge them to at least move the knitting and crochet into an equal ratio with the other artistic areas.

Oh, and because I was there, I decided to take a photo of my new office reorg – this is my side (Rex is behind me) – I like this arrangement and despite it being June, the light is on because it got all dark and dreary with a rainstorm.
Well, geeking out and watching “Meet the Robinsons” which is one of the most fantastic geek-kid movies ever!

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