Missy C’s perfect monsters and WOW! (that’s about all I can say)

Missy C’s perfect monsters and WOW! (that’s about all I can say)

I thought this was an ADORABLE picture drawn by my darling Missy C…it kind of reminded me of Ward-O-Matic’s Ava Tuesday (which I follow each week…it’s really cute). Anyway, these are 3 monsters! Each of a different color!! I think they are awesome…one of her best works!

Following this is – WOW! My great honor of being selected as one of the “invitees” to the Australia/American crazy quilt to benefit the Katrina survivors. I read through the list of people and all I can say is – WOW! (I’ve already said that haven’t I?). For those of you who aren’t on the Crazy Quilting lists and have all the books, the group is pretty fantastic…I can’t WAIT to see what everyone comes up with. ! Anyway, I’m thrilled and honored to be included and to hopefully benefit such a worthy cause!

I actually have an idea up my sleeve for my block and have sent out some interesting emails(going to buy the supplies tomorrow and I’m totally excited!…I’ll let you all know more tomorrow what I find out). Anyway, I hope to have more thoughts on this tomorrow and THANKS! Whoever made the slip of the pen and wrote me on to that fantastic list……thank you!
I think this is going to be an amazing project – I can’t wait to see what other people are putting together and I think the competition is fantastic! I know LOTS of you folks have posted to my blog saying you’re trying crazy quilting….well, PLEASE try a block for this! It’s an wonderful way to raise money for the Katrina survivors to rebuild and a great way to stretch yourself as a stitcher. Email me if you’re going to work on it and I’ll be happy to cheer and support everyone out there (I may need some oxygen while doing my block ocassionally too!). I can’t wait!

Thanks to Sharon and Annie and Linda and everyone else! You all are fantastic!

For any of you other Aussie Crazy quilters out there, I also put out a bit of a challenge to the Southern Cross crazies to see if they want to do a swap Postcards with the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters in April or May sometime! Could make a WONDERFUL swap!

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