Must Blog! Much to say!

Must Blog! Much to say!

So, it has been an insane week. I still have the work project that will never end. I’m about to unveil a little fundraising project we’re doing for the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters, which I’m hoping some of you will support (more on that later…has to be completely done by the end of the week) and i’m SICK!

Not just a little sick, but a LOT sick. Finally got so frustrated (ie, couldn’t swallow, couldn’t sleep) that I got my entire family up at 4am to go to the emergency room. Turns out I have a wallowing bad case of strep throat! I’m on 2 vicodin every 6 hours and it still doesn’t totally make the pain go away, so you can imagine how horrible I felt at 4am. Good news, is that drugs are in process and I should be on my way back. (except I’m drowsy and kind of out of it as I write this).

Now onto other productive news, I’m done with one of my 2 Banner blocks…the other one is SO close and I’ll post it tomorrow, but here’s the first one:

And our RMCQ Round robin, that was severely delayed by life and other issues, is finally drawing to an end….here’s mine back – isn’t it absolutely fantastic? Leslie even worked in all my pets!:

Okay, and isn’t this the cutest backpack in the world on top of the cutest sweater? Nanna (MIL) knitted the sweater – not the best picture because I couldn’t get the little bugger to stand still, but the Gromit backpack (which he got for Christmas from my brother) is SO cute on him and he takes it EVERYWHERE. He even sleeps with it.

Okay, I’m off in my stupor to bed. Be the first night in two nights that I’ve really gotten sleep, so wish me luck and much more eye candy tomorrow! I have several cool projects in the works, just nothing photographable yet.

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