It’s snowing here after a freak 75 degree day yesterday! You have to love weather don’t you? We went out to dinner and bowling (just Rex and I) last night and I wore just a sweater…today there’s about 3 inches of snow on the ground!
HOwever, it was a perfect morning to wake up and do a little research on needle felting! I started (and finished? Maybe?) my first project and it’s really really fun!
I have to admit that I was scared, so this morning I hit the internet in search of resources. I found this:
The best tutorial I could find and it definately gave me some direction. However, if you put “needlefelting” in at YouTube there are several there that are a lot of help. Good thing! Because the directions that came with the kit were awful, so I actually made up most of what I did! Missy C felt that the pattern looked like a dog anyway, so I think mine is cuter! 🙂 I might still add a bit, but I’m happy for now!