New sites to browse and a funny (if you’re on chat boards)

Well, I’m in ultra crafty mode today. Yesterday, went to my friend Tina’s house and she’s making some fantastic progress on her piecing…I hope you all pop over and give her encouragement…when she posts her next block. I’ve also found a new gal in the Denver area who’s into quilting…looks like we have a lot in common. I’m working on a list for her to go buy beads (fun!!) and I think I’ve convinced her to attend the next Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt meeting.

Then there are a heap of new folks on the “Bloggers Who Embellish” Ring, including Bitchin Stitchin Fiberworks, Creaworx , TextileNut and some other great new folks (depending on how often you check the ring! Hey, and ringmembers….say Hi on some of the new blogs….you remember how intimidating it is to post and never get any feedback? A few folks on the ring have commented that no one says anything. Maybe we should have a “comment on a blog Tuesday” or something…what does everyone think?

My husband sent me this last week: Posting and YOU! – any of you who post to boards will probably find it hysterical. I know both Rog and I did!

I’m busy piecing a third block to embellish…for the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters banner…and I’ve found a fantastic saxaphone that I’m going to applique and embellish on my New Orleans block. So, busy, busy and hopefully pictures….VERY SOON!

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