Well, I think I’ve finally convinced my husband “Rex” (we decided he needed a “nom de Plume”) that I need a studio apart from the office space (you may remember my first post with pictures of what that space looks like). Mainly because the office is totally packed with computers and other stuff….it’s NOT working to have my fabric and sewing machine in there, so this is the potential space (I purposely didn’t clean up because I wanted these to be great “before” photos:
It’s an old single car garage that we had to have the old linoleum tile removed (asbestos filled)…so we’re going to paint the floor and the walls and put up curtains. The workbench will go in the garage (after it’s cleaned out) and this will become “the studio”…cool, eh?

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a